UV Lights
Recommended UV Light Installation Services in Calgary
A UV lamp can clean HVAC systems and improve the air quality in your Calgary home or office. It can kill mould, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms within 10 seconds of contact. This offers relief to asthma and allergy sufferers, especially in hot and humid areas, where mould and bacteria flourish. These lights may even help your HVAC systems last longer since they keep pieces clean. The experts at Neptune Plumbing & Heating Ltd. can recommend the system that will work best for your home and your family’s needs.
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) lights reside within the UV-C range, which is an important wavelength range for germicidal efficiency. At Neptune Plumbing & Heating Ltd., we guarantee that the conditions for installing UV lights are correct and the installation is properly done by a trained HVAC technician. As professionals with expertise in the implementation of UVGi systems, we keep a multitude of requirements in mind when installing a system so you can have fresher air that is free from any virus, mould and bacteria.
We also offer a two-year warranty on all our services.